We Are A Hard Working People

These pictures captured my thought.  When I see children like this,  I sincerely  thank God for where I am.  Not because I am better but because I am privileged.  Sometimes,  I try to make mental calculation of the gain they make by selling gala,  pure water,  biscuits,  sweets and hand towels under the sun.  The truth is,  whatever profit they make is minimal and cannot meet their daily demands.

The state- our system is responsible for these children and young adult.  These are kids whose childhood was snatched from them. They have been forced to become care givers at an early age yet the need for survival  push them to conquer.

How cruel can we be? Two days ago, I wanted taking akara and bread.  So I went to buy.  The mama sells koko and close to her fries were tables and benches where you can sit and eat.  Beside those eating akara and drinking  koko  are group of small almajirins  waiting to lick the bowl of koko.  This guy was  taking his koko  but turned to talk to the person beside him.  Then these children struggled for his bowl and the faster one licked the bowl.  The thing is,  the guy was not done with his koko. He also wanted to lick the bowl. The guy is as hungry as the children.

These kids I just described above move from house to house to do menial jobs so they can use the proceed they get to buy something small to eat.  Yet our dear President  Buhari made a mockery of these children's  struggle  by  calling us lazy and dependant on oil money.  Biko, where is the money and where is the oil?

You know why less privileged children and youths would always be angry? Because the privileged few insult and make nonsense out of their hard work.  I sincerely do not know who to school. Our president or US- WE.


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