Reach for the stars.

When I graduated from secondary school, I was sure I would gain admission same year but my JAMB
score was low. I scored 164 if I can remember, I didn’t bother much because I was certain I won’t 
stay at home. I got diploma form to study civil law and was admitted same year.

The second year into my law studies while preparing for my finals, I bought JAMB form. I bought
JAMB past questions from the year JAMB started to the year before writing the exams. I studied them
night and day determined that I will be admitted into the university even before my Diploma result is

Results for JAMB was released and I scored 228. I had applied to mass communication department at
the Ahmadu Bello University. Gaining admission into the university was with much hurdle. It wasn’t
as smooth as I have written it, I constantly prayed believed God will make my admission come

When I was in 100 level my mates from secondary school were in 300 level. At some point I had felt
left behind, I felt life was unfair to me. I didn’t understand why it had to take so long for me to be
admitted. One thing that kept me moving was hope, every step of the way I was hopeful my life will
be good, I will become great, it doesn’t matter how far but how well. These were words I used in
consoling myself.

Somehow I had this nudge that my academic delays will pay off. I was still very good friends with my
friends. Sharing and giving my time, praying and wishing them well. I got into ABU for my degree in
communications in 2007 and graduated in 2011, never experienced strike or delay in result. 

In 2012 I went for youth service and in 2013 I started my post graduate studies and graduated in
2015. The academic time I thought I had lost I gained effortlessly. As long as we don’t lose focus of
what we desire, the Almighty always has a way of redeeming time to those who think they have lost

I feel obliged to share this today so many who are passing through one delay or the other will draw
strength from this. Delay many say isn’t denial, don’t worry all will be well and you will also be
privileged to share your success story too. See you at the top.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading. I hope you visit more often. Many thanks dear


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