A million dollar smile

So I decided to have a quiet time with my creator, it was the third day in the fast, a raining Saturday
morning. I was going to the bank but I stood in front of my house wishing and praying a car will come
along and lift me to the junction.

Then this car came from nowhere (apparently lost in my thoughts) and he said “Madam Can I drop
you?” oooo, thank you because it was a prayer answered immediately. We got talking and we spoke
on the bad road, the situation of the country and how the economy isn’t smiling. We spoke on how
kids must be comfortable regardless of the economy. He said he is a father of two kids and I told him
I have an adorable girl.
It was time to alight from his car but he asked where I was going to, and I said GT Bank. He said he
was going to Diamond Bank so he could drop me off, see happiness. We kept talking and he said he is
an advisor to a certain DG. The moment he said that, I said to myself, God at work.

On the third day of my fast that I have been drained of strength and God decided to connect me to a
DG, immediately, I told him I love my job but will want to advance in my career if there is vacancy, I
wouldn’t mind.

He told me there is vacancy for communications. OMG! I screamed because at that time, I hadn’t told
him I have a BSC in mass communication. That was how I told him I have a certification in
communications and a postgraduate degree in Performance. He said I am what they are looking for.

Is this how God works. How can I be praying for open doors and on the third day he visited. After we
parted I wept and just couldn’t put my words in voice but my heart said it all to my Almighty.

I travelled for a week training and was not able to send my CV to this man. The weekend I returned, I
sent him a whatsapp message saying I was back from my training and would love to see him so I can
drop my CV.

He later called in the evening that I should meet him at the junction. I went with my flash and paper.
If na hard copy or electronics I dey there. I waited for a while at the junction of my house. When he
came I entered his car and he asked where we can go relax and talk things over.

When we got to the place he said I should take my order. I told him he shouldn’t bother about me, that
what I came for was about the job. He persisted and I ordered a soft drink and fish pepper soup.

The man said if it is about the job we could have easily talked about it on phone.….

The man started story. It was a pretty long story. He spoke on his ex-girlfriend and how she cheated
on him, he spoke on how he met his wife and married her as a virgin, he spoke on how he takes care
of his wife and kids, he spoke on how all he is doing is for his family to be comfortable.

He said he is a catholic and will never marry two wives or have children outside his home. He said his
wife is everything to him but there are decisions or secrets she is not aware of. He said sometimes she
does not understand the magnitude of his job and the stress he faces at work.

He said he travels a lot and would love to travel with me. He asked if I know how to keep secrets
because he was going to take care of me and spoil me. For this, he wants to have a relationship with

He wants me to know my place in his life and I won’t come between him and his family. So I should
process all he has said and give him answers later.

I have never been this insulted in my entire life. I wasn’t shocked and I spoke to him calmly. I told
him I will never date another woman’s husband. I told him I do not live a double standard life and
won’t be the reason why a woman is in sorrow.

I told him I may be financially burdened but this is not my bus stop, I know who I am and what I want
in life. He is not an option and I have nothing to think about. I won’t compromise my standard and I
won’t get to the top through short cuts. I am a mirror people look up to and more because sex will
never be my way to climb the ladder.

While I was talking, he kept telling me to be quiet and I shouldn’t think he is taking advantage of me
because I need a job and money. I told him to let me talk since when he was speaking I never
interrupted him.

I told him it was late and my daughter will be waiting.  He brought out thousands of naira and was
counting in my presence, and then he said he needed to buy things for his wife and kids.

In my mind, I was laughing. I laughed because this man certainly doesn’t know me. I have seen and
counted money bigger than that. Oyes! The money I will employ a finance officer to keep account of
his is yet to dream of it.

What this man doesn’t know about me is that I am content and I take pride in the fact that I plan my
life and that of my daughter.  I am a planner and I take one step at a time, I am not hungry yet I can go
hungry to proof my point.

This man doesn’t understand that the things I think or people think I can’t do without I can actually do
without them. This is not pride it is self-esteem. He dropped me in front of my house and that was the

He never called or if he did I will never know.

The bottom line of this story is, never allow anyone define you. I understand things are difficult but
sincerely, this moment will pass.

You know what that man would have done to me? He won’t give me a job even if the opportunity
present itself, he will try to shut me up as much as he can so he can rule me, he will give me just a
little money not enough to sort my needs but big enough to keep me. He will drain me and leave me

I do not have what I want not but I am intellectually sound. This is my currency, this currency will
rule this world.

Never feel sorry over your situation. Your time will come and when it does come remember never to
take advantage of people. Decide who you are and tell me what you call yourself.


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