Before the serpent came

Light is all I see, driving out darkness and darkness calling itself night yet the moon rules in its glory. Void becomes vast in the fullness of His splendor while the power of creativity comes to be. The breath from His nostrils is a smoothing feel over the earth; the earth remains his foot stool.

Before the beginning relationships exist between the Father, Son and Spirit. The consubstantial persons create man to share in an unending undiluted love of joy and wisdom. Truly, there is no higher calling or greater honor than being in the plan of the Almighty before the serpent came around. Even at that, man translates into the image of His dear son.

There is a state of obedience which came from the depth of man and God lives in their midst as they fellowship together. The garden is man’s abode as the serene is free of sin and evil, naked they were but clothed in his glory. They were to be immortals as eternity is to be spent in worship singing hosanna. 

Loving man beyond measures, compassion over rides. He brings His peace flowing like a river, giving man the liberty to rule for where the spirit of God is there is liberty. All these exalts Him before the serpent came around, again; mercy prevails giving us the throne to be kings and princes. Authority in man’s hands through calling what is not as though they were giving beauty to creativity.


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