Conquering Women

A friend was discussing with me on how his wife’s friend came to his office and requested to see him. Being a friend to the family, he went out to meet with her. The woman came with a lodge of complain against her friend.

She told her friends husband how he is unfortunate to have married her friend, how her friend’s leg is not good and brings in bad luck, how the friend was prostituting before she met her husband and married her.
She said out of love, she has come to warn her friend’s husband to be weary of his wife and think of the best ways he can separate from his wife in other for his life to be long and prosperous.

My friend said he was silent but shocked. He is aware that his wife and her friend have been having issues but he didn’t know it had resulted to name calling. He told his wife’s friend that he has heard all she said however, all the things she said are the reason why he married his wife.
He said he told her that the prostitution story of his wife is what he loves the most because he doesn’t think another woman can give it to him the way his wife does.

When my friend was giving me this story, I felt bad and was ashamed. Why do some women think they can cause misery in the life of another woman? Why do some women think a fellow woman should be in perpetual sorrow? Do you think when you put off another person light your light will shine? Women wake up…. We are each other’s strength.

Have you ever thought you could be in the shoes of the woman you desire ill for? What is your pleasure in the pain of a fellow woman? There is strength and unity in number, women are a force whose good will propels generational change.

If we begin to share in each other’s pain, sooner than later there will be no pain because even when it shows its ugly head there is a team of conquering women to pull it down.  

I know we have stories of women who have been of help to you at some point; I want to hear your story.


  1. This is sad. Still wonder why it exists though; I'm certain many can identify with this.

    1. It is sad. The question I am begging for an answer is what joy do women derive in causing another woman sorrow. Is there a certain fulfilment?

  2. Replies
    1. If women can't understand themselves then who will. Life as it is, is difficult yet we make it more difficult by inflicting pain in some else's.


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