
Immeasurable hunger does not fear the sanctity of a worship place.
I heard a gist earlier today that while worshippers were talking to their Almighty, a severely hungry
man decided to steal a motor cycle.
A man went to the prayer ground with his motor cycle, because it is an open space and broad day
light, he parked his motor cycle within reach, just as they were praying, a young guy came and
zoomed off with his motor cycle. Worshippers left their prayers unattended to and gave the theft the
chase of his life.
The theft fell into a gutter and left the motor cycle while he ran for his dear life.
While this matter was been discussed and people were laughing, I didn’t think it was one that should
be laughed about. Although, the owner of the bike was happy and his friends were glad at the
recovery of the bike, but I also saw sadness beneath their joy.
People are suffering; many can barely eat a meal. There is hardly a difference between the poor and
the middle class. What is the benefit of those who have gone to school and graduated without job?
What is the reward of those who are skilled and have businesses but no customer to patronise them
simply because their customers do not have the money to do so? I ask again, what is the gain of those
who have provision stores but they are been bought on credit?
We can’t continue to be silent in the face of immersed hunger. Only hunger would make a man steal
in front of about a hundred people while they are praying. Is hunger the only reason why a man


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