Trampled Roses

I am very disturbed. I read a post on relationship and marriage, the poster was dishing advice on how
couples can love each other and continue to be in love. The comments and replies is what disturb me.
People were asking questions and the answers I sincerely do not agree to.
Listen, fight for your marriage only if it is voids of violence. Violence of all kind; battery, assault and
emotional deprivation.
No one should remain in a marriage because you want to remain married and be destroyed.
Do you know when a married man or woman sleeps with other partners other than their spouse and
the advice given is for them to continue to live with each other and pray that the spirit of God changes
such person, we are indirectly digging graves for these individuals.
Anyone can afflict the other with a sexual transmitted disease and it can even be a terminal one. These
couple will not find joy in themselves and will begin to resent each other, bitterness and unforgiveness
will set in. where is the place of prayers to be answered here? This couple can only grow to love each
other if there is a sincere change in attitude.
Do not get me wrong, God answers prayers and prayers changes things. A broken and a contrite heart
God will not despise but should we continue to live in sin and say the grace of God abounds? 
A man keeps beating his wife using her as his punching bag and all you can use to console her is to
tell her God hates divorce and should return to her husband. Let me tell you the advisor what you
have done, you have connived with her husband to send her to an early grave.
She ran to you to shield her yet you drove her back to the lion’s den, listen Mr. Advisor her creator
will never forgive you. What is there in advising her to be separated from her husband for a while? Is
marriage truly about suffering and smiling?
Oyes! Life is not a bed of roses because roses come with thorn but it doesn’t mean all our life
experiences must be filled with displeasured moments. Roses are beautiful, colourful, and attractive
and marriages should have the fragrance.
A man brings his girlfriend to his matrimonial home, to his matrimonial bed and his wife watches.
This is total disrespect to the sanctity of marriage, this is a no no…you can’t continue like this and
expect your wife to keep loving you, you can’t continue to disrespect her person and you expect peace
to rain in your house. I mean who expects that?
You can only fight for what is ready to be fought. Do not drain yourself because you want to be
married. Joy comes from God but we are the ones to create our happiness, do not let your life be
ruined especially if you have kids.
If you develop high blood pressure which may lead to your early death who takes care of your kids?
All you have worked for becomes someone else’s, the home you so much do not want to lose has
been lost and another lives there.
It is time we begin to know what we want. Remember the Holy Spirit does not live in a house full of
strive, He does not dwell where unhappiness and ingratitude is the order of the day. Would you allow
your happiness to be trampled upon?


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