Be You!

Most times what we see is not a true reflection of what is. We must understand that beautifully
adorned body and a cosmetic face hides a flawed skin. When you see people and you admire their
person, the kind of clothes they wear, their shoes, house and spoken phonetics be not be carried away,
it is a composition of packaging.

A woman is about to be thrown out of home because her husband gave her money to keep but she
spent the money on clothes and jewelleries. When family meeting was called she confessed that she
admired a certain woman and wanted to have the things this woman had so she used her husband’s
money in buying those things.

My colleague and I were having a conversation so told her “that clothe I wore yesterday, I bought it in
Ghana.” My colleague couldn’t remember the cloth, I tried to describe it but she still could not
remember. This means most people do not notice what you wear.

As long as you are looking good and it has become a habit, people careless. I have come to discover
that people are carrying burden that needs urgent attention and rarely have time for such mundane

Do not always seek approval from people. Try to do things in your capacity, as much as possible live
a debt free life or incur debt that you can easily pay without running helter skater. Do not use the life
of a certain person to judge yours. We are all in a race with different destination.

Be wise, be prudent with money, as much as possible be accountable. Do not allow people determine
how you spend your money, do not run into debt because you want to feel among or be among the
pepper them gang.

Be yourself, many want to be you. They are jealous of where you are even when you think they are in
better position than you are. They are not comfortable that you are thriving to be great, they are not
comfortable with the fact that you are content and do not cross your limits, they are not comfortable
that you have refused to beg them. Why despise where you are to be someone you are not? Why
follow the bandwagon just to create effect.

Remember this, your time will come and you will shine. When that time comes you will be amazed of
how far you have come, the battles you conquered and your perseverance. I leave you with this
thought, please ponder and be you.   


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