Fantastically corrupt

This man highly religious and of good moral standard. Well educated and widely travel, a man of one
wife even if he religion allows him to marry more than one. He works with the federal government
and has risen to an echelon position, he has a clean slate and he is proud of who he is. Knowing that
corruption is in every ministry, in order to have his piece of mind, he does not get involved in deals
that are dirty.
People prefer to call him Alhaji but he insist he is not a visitor in his country but the teachings of
being a pilgrimage must be seen in him but not just talked about. The moment he is in the ministry,
everyone seems to be of best behaviour and every extortion is suspended until Alhaji travels on an
official meeting.
Everyone desires to have an attitude of Alhaji but the spirit of corruption dwells in them which make
their thought a wishful thinking. Alhaji’s purity can be felt from a distance as workers resume at
8:00am am and close at 4:00 pm, no idle talk or careless statements, cheques pass through Alhaji’s
desk but being the content person he is, he signs and make sure money gets to the appropriate
Not too long Alhaji’s daughter became sick. After several test carried out at the national hospital, it
was discovered that she is suffering from a heart disease. An ailment that would need a surgery in
India and subsequent visit to Germany.   
Alhaji couldn’t figure out a way to raise money to save his dying daughter. Alhaji was gradually
sliding into depression and his aura was fast diminishing. He was no longer interested in the affairs of
the ministry and cared no more about employer’s attitude to work.
Salamualaikum Alhaji, ka na nan ne? Alhaji!!! His personal assistant called out. Alhaji was in deep
thought and could hear his name from a distance but cared less to answer. His personal assistant
Tanko said “Haba Alhaji, I have told you what you can do about Hadiza’s health. This is not stealing
or corruption as you prefer to call it, it is your entitlement. Money that has been accrued to you over
time and you have refused to spend. Alhaji this position holds so many opportunities that you don’t
have to linger in thought to have Hadiza treated abroad. Think about all I have said so that we can
prepare her documents for her to leave this country tomorrow.”
Torn between the devil and the deep blue sea, Alhaji started crying. He recited prayers of forgiveness
and said “O Allah forgive my short comings, if it pleases you let my daughter live. Bless Hadiza with
perfect health Ya Allah.”
The next day Hadiza was flown to India for the surgery. Alhaji couldn’t go with her but his wife and
eldest son went. Alhaji called every hour to ask of her health. Surgery was successful, Hadiza is back
to the country in perfect health now but Alhaji wants to submit himself to EFCC.
To Alhaji he has sinned against his God and his nation that vested such huge responsibilities on him
and he took advantage of the funds to send his daughter on a medical tour to India and Germany. I
understand the place of Alhaji because he doesn’t want to be tagged as “fantastically corrupted” yet
life played a tough one on him.
Alhaji is in a dilemma. What is the way out? Should he submit himself to EFCC or remain quiet about
the situation?   


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