Purity ruined.

This Nigerian hypocrisy is what I do not understand at all. Every religion in Nigeria is against
abortion, they talk about it with so much passion, calling anyone they know who has committed an
abortion a murderer.

Well I am equally prolife and I do not subscribe to abortion except the life of the mother is in danger.
If this is not the case in my opinion every child has the right to life, to be born and a freedom to life.

You cannot decide to terminate the life of a child because your indecision to protect yourselves
against having a child has actually brought the child to the world.
When I talk of abortion this does not exempt the man. It is a collective agreement between the man
and the woman to enjoy an unprotected sex. After enjoying each other’s body why does the man think
the woman should abort the child? If both parties are not ready for children then why don’t you put
measures that would avoid bringing a child to the world? The man who is the financier and adviser is
the sole murderer.

What offence has these children committed that they deserves a gruesome death like the one meted on
them by the parents. The man and the woman have committed abortion, it has nothing to do with the
woman alone.

A lady is pregnant out of wedlock and she decides to have her baby, give the child a meaningful life
but the society looks at her with scorn. When she walks on the street the society spits at her and curse
her, they use her as an example to their children. They crucify the unborn and call the child a bastard.
Who is a bastard for crying out loud? So the pastor’s daughter got pregnant, out of shame pastor sent
his daughter abroad to give birth and continue her studies. Years later she returned home for her
wedding, she got married in the church and her wedding gown was as white as a snow while her
husband wore a white suit everything there was white. They said white represented the fact that the
couple are virgins.

Those who have been involved in abortion equally get married in the church and wear white to
represent their pure nature. What a world!

This particular guy confided in me and I felt ashamed. The church represents a place of rescue, a
place of solace and compassion. I feel sad that the teachings of Christ is sometimes lacking in the

This guy was dating his girl, it was time to go for NYSC and was scared that he would lose his girl so
he decided to impregnate her. He was committed to his girl and relationship, sending money for her
up keep and the unborn child.

Providence smiled on him, he got a job the week he was to pass out from service. It’s been over a year
he has been working with a financial institution, his girlfriend has given him a daughter but he wants
to move their relationship further.

They have gone for introduction, had their engagement, married legally in court but he wants the
white wedding. Now his church is against the fact that they are living together and have denied them a
white wedding. He said some many things, I understand his frustration and I don’t know the right
words that would soothe the way he feels.

How do we celebrate those who pretend to be who they are not yet castigate those who are true to
whatever they have done? It is important that we put our acts together so we do not send negative


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