Random musing.

They say time heals all wounds but I say time just makes the pain bearable.  You remember the incidence, you feel the pain and hurt but you can talk about it without crying or cursing.

Time makes it bearable because you do not hold on to it but accept what it is by resigning to fate. Time moves so you walk along flowing with the vibe it present.

You begin to see the event as one that can liberate others and release them from whatever shackles has held them down.

A voice rises in you giving others hope and bringing them to the reality of what was and what is. That event was meant to happen to make you stronger. Do you know there was no storm? You are actually the storm.

You moved with such powerful swift that it was hard to come to terms with. You aren't even sure if the storm came but you know you are the storm because you were determined.

Turn your wounds to your testimony, let it be your breaking point. The world is waiting for you, you take them by your strength.


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