Guiding Territories

I understand that when a man cheats it is not always about the fact that his partner is doing something wrong. It is about the fact that it is in his nature to cheat, he has assumed society story that it is a man’s world and he is entitled to more than one woman.

It is however amazing that women has so far helped to foster this narrative that most men are trained with the notion that they cannot be committed to a woman. In other to keep their men some women result to violence by tracing the women who has taken their men away and disfiguring their bodies.  

Wives tend to pour their frustration on the women whom they think is taking their husbands away from them, forgetting that their husband is as guilty as the mistress. The society should frown at the man who disrespected his wedding vows and made mockery of his matrimonial home. 

Everyone protects their territory. It is only a foolish person that sits; arms folded and allow the enemy takes his household into captive.

While I am against a fellow woman disgracing and even disfiguring a fellow woman because of a man, I am reminded that the woman is only protecting her territory although her approach is wrong yet can I really judge a woman whose husband has turned her life into a living hell by comparing her with another woman and promoting unhealthy competition.

Women should really decide who they want to fight. The husband who has told so many lies to the lady outside just to get her to bed or the lady who believed all the lies and decided to date a married man.

A married man told a single lady that his wife does not cook his food, she returns late from work and does not attend to his needs. Meanwhile the man has not been supportive at home, the wife has been taking care of the kids while the husband has been lying about his office not paying salaries yet taking care of the lady while he leaves his family to suffer.

It is past time women turned investigators, ask questions and demand answers. Don’t be silent when things are going wrong, make your voice heard and be firm on the decisions that increase your happiness. Cease to promote the silence culture, kill this culture with your might.

Women be kind to your fellow women, make excuses and understand it could be you in that position. Fight if you must but let it be for a just course.    


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