The Condolence Visit.

So I went to pay a condolence visit to a friend who lost her Dad. It happened to be the three days prayers for the dead and there were so many people present. I couldn’t believe my eyes, the governor of the state, ministers of top ministries and agencies, ambassadors both present and former. 

I know my friend’s family to be an average Nigerian when it comes to wealth. Her family do not have a large bank account like she makes me believe because her father was a pious and gentle man. He was a content person filled with wisdom; he believed in the ways of the Prophet and sent many almajiri children to school.

Politicians would usually seek his consent and request his blessings. These politicians never come to his house empty. While they present gifts in kind and cash to him, he rejects most not without telling the politician how ill he has treated his people and disappointed the Almighty who gave him the opportunity to be there.
My friend always complained of how her father doesn’t want them to get rich by refusing gifts from these men and how her father has rejected 2 marriage proposal of his daughters because the suitors according to her father are spending blood money.

One thing you can’t take away from this family is their sophistication and education. I have met rich Hausa people that I fall in love with their family the moment I visit or spend the weekend with them but this particular family beats my imagination.

Let me mention, when there is an event in their house, my friend’s father would always want to keep it low but people would always have a wind of it there by turning it into a grand affair. The who and mighty would always find their way to such event seeking favour from my friend’s father.

I have digressed from the issue I earlier wanted to discuss. Yes, when I saw these big sharks of Nigeria in their house I wished the event was different. I wanted to talk to the Governor, I just wanted to show myself small so that he would understand that I can help his government gain more popularity. My mind started racing on how I could help that minister that wants to contest for president popular.

Again I said "Zowie, not good timing pray for the dead...." Then I was mumbling something that looks like a prayer in my own way and my mind drifted again. I said to myself "Ozohu this is the jack pot … move closer. I felt like someone was staring at me... I looked up and it was the picture of the late man. I spoke to the dead.
“Baba! Please forgive me, sincerely; I am still the friend of your daughter who you believed so much in. I haven’t changed my mind on my values but I need this chance to prove to people that things can be done differently. I am praying for the repose of your soul and I promise to make you proud. Baba I promise.”

The prayers were over and refreshment was been shared, while this was going on, there was an indoor meeting. I asked my friend what was going on and she said her father’s friends are planning to give all her siblings a job and those who already have a job they want to move to a position where they will always be in contact with cash. "Whoa, you mean you are going to be employed soon?" My friend replied “you should know these people now but when they send for me you will follow me in”.

I must be dreaming… o yes Zowie is dreaming. So I am going to be in a closed room with the Governor? I am going to be discussing with some ministers? OMW! My friend screamed Zowie! I returned to reality. She said, “you know I don’t really need this job and even the money so as soon as they ask me questions just respond so that these men can know you.  Be free and don’t let me talk I will just tell them you are going to be managing whatever position they give to me and you are showing them what you can do for me”.

Here I am standing before these men of 'tim and cali'. One of these men I have always admired spoke in his baritone voice in hausa "wa ye wana? - who is this?" and my friend answered "kawa na ne - she is my friend". She then told him in English to just listen to what I had to say.

Someone who I don’t really know said "young lady what do you have for us" and I started. It looked like the god of eloquence and the spirit of confidence has possessed me. I saw admiration and I flashed a cool smile. I heard "I love your voice; I love the spirit of positivity you carry. You graduated from where again?" I replied with pride "Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and University of Ibadan". 

This is our girl, you are going to work for us and with us. Are you ready to start now? Yes sir, here I am. Details of what they want were given and I set out to work. It wasn’t a dream, it happened before my very person.

Most of us day dream and we wish our dream come true. I have seen people not wish a thing but it happens to them. You talk of those who have it all and those who do not have a dime to their name. Some are not even qualified for the position they get but this is Nigeria, this is how realities play out in our country. What is your take on this?


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