Scrub the bowl Mr..

Women make house chores ‘choreless,’it is past time men began to get domesticated.

While growing up my Daddy on weekends would clean the house. He would clean the room to the
extent that you can see yourself through the walls. After that, he would start washing our clothes, bath
three of his children and cook. My Dad wouldn’t allow anyone help him out.

While my Daddy during the weekends is busy with house chores and the care of his kids, my mom is
at the shop selling electronics. I grew up with the mind-set that men should be domesticated.  My
parents love pounded yam, in a week it can be eaten thrice. While girls should know how to pound, it
was the boys who actually do the pounding.

My Dad’s opinion about house chores is that everyone should be involved and where strength is exact
then men should do that particular job rather than women. The narrative is not so with some
households because you find the wife doing all the chores with no help from her husband or children
who are male.

House chores should not be left women simply because they are female. Everyone irrespective of
gender should be domesticated, nobody has died by been involved in the tidying of the house so why
should it be aligned to women only?

Division of labour should also apply in homes as this strengthens relationships in the family; it
enhances communication and a more kneaded understanding.  The society has programmed the minds
of individuals to believe that some chores are gender related but I beg to disagree. Everyone has the
ability to cook because if you can eat then you must learn the art of cooking. If you can sleep on well
laid bed then you must learn the art of laying beds with neat bed sheets.

Least I forget, washing of toilet is everyone’s duty, if you can clean up your arse after emptying your
bowel then you can equally wash the convenience. Do not make it look like it is the duty of a
particular gender to do the cleaning. 


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