The telephone conversation

I boarded same vehicle with a young guy, if I were to judge his age he would be between ages 25 and
28 years. He was talking on phone to whom I presumed to be his girlfriend, his voice was shaking and
he had tears in his eyes. The reply from the other end of the phone was not a good one as tears
dropped down his face.
At this point all I wanted to do was to reach out to him because I have been in his shoes before. On
ending his telephone conversation he said let me ask you a question? “What is my offence? Did I
commit a crime by loving you? Was I stupid to let you have your way? Was I stingy at any point?
Didn’t I support you all through?” I don’t know what the girl’s reply was but the guys response was
shocking he said “God be with you.”
Mhen! I doff my hurt for this guy. He was hurting yet he resigned to resentment with a prayer. I
looked at him and asked “do you what to share?” and he said “what do you know? After all you are all
the same.” I wanted to take it slow with him but with such reply I gave with to him hot. I reiterated
“what do you know too? You guys are same. You go after girls who are not ready to love you, you
prefer to be lied to than told the truth, and you prefer the container to the content.”
He opened his mouth and words couldn’t come out of it “in your mind she is the best that can come
your way when the actual is taken for granted; you measure materialism to intellectual currency. It
doesn’t work this way. He looked at me and said you are hurting….
I replied “maybe as much as you.” I am sorry if I came hard on you I just wanted to say something
nice but I ended up saying hurtful things. I want you to understand there are good people out there, we
may have been disappointed over and again but trustworthy people exist, they may be few and hard to
come by but I am sure you will find them soon.
Do not be angry when people do not understand integrity, commitment and responsibility. These are
virtues meant for the rich, you know, you don’t find precious stones everywhere, they are hard to
come by and expensive to buy.
My new friend said Aunty I like you and want to be your friend. I said friends we are. Remember this
feeling of rejection will be with you for a while but with time it will heal, you may remember but time
will lick the wound. Look at your present situation as a new opportunity to start on a clean slate.
Forgive and be open to new people, you will find in others what your ex lack and you were missing.
We exchanged numbers and I promised to call once in a while but I have been unable to reach him.
His number is not connecting, please share this story and let him know I am looking for him. Many


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