Abandoned yet rewarded

I am still awe at the manner people hide under the cover of culture and religion. It is wrong to cheat
and still pretend to be someone full of values. The societies do not believe it is appropriate to castigate
one who is wrong if he holds a certain title in his neighbourhood or somewhat a respected individual
as he is viewed.

This married man got a single lady pregnant, while the folks of the lady discovered she was pregnant,
she was interrogated and it was later revealed that this man was responsible. The family of the lady
made sure he got a house for the lady and took responsibilities of the other bills. After some months
the lady put to bed and on the 8th day of the child’s birth, he killed a ram to perform the rituals of her

However, this man has been in a marriage where his wife has been unable to conceive, efforts made
that he should marry this lady as second wife as it is tradition and religion to him proved abortive. He
made several excuses of how he doesn’t want to hurt his wife, and the lady in question isn’t the same
tribe or religion with him.

He said if it’s because of the child they are troubling him for so much money then he can take the
child from them and gift the child to an old woman in his village who is in need of a child. I have
never seen a grown man talk this much rubbish. How can you say such of an innocent? This is wrong
and unacceptable.

The child is being taken care of by lady’s family and she is faring well. It’s over a decade and the man
hasn’t looked for the child. Every time I see this child I see greatness and I am grateful the family of
the lady took charge of the situation. 
I love this phrase so much “what goes around comes around,” it is the law of the universe. This is how
karma plays out.

I am reminded of a man who never took care of his children but he his old now and no one to take
care of him. He went looking for his children and asking for help. The last gist I heard was that he
would curse his children since they have refused to take care of him. What effrontery!

What makes a man thinks he is viable to the things he hasn’t worked for? You cannot reap from
where you did not sow. People worked their best to see the children you abandoned emerge great
while you were somewhere playing vital years away now you want to be taken care of? Oh please!

I hear some men are saying when the child wants to get married the child will look for the father.
Story for the gods. Let me burst your bubble, gone are those days, now people get married and those
who think are relevant are not invited. In fact their intentions towards the intending couple are not
sort. As the world revolves changes abound. This is 2017 and not 1720.


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