Giving is a gift.

Sometimes back we lived in the same compound with about six families. Our flat was upstairs and water was not running into the house. We had to employ boys to help fetch water upstairs. I was in school then and only went home during weekends or anytime my Mum sent for me.

My mum would call to tell me how a certain woman would come and help her with house chores and even run errands for her. Gradually we became so close to this young couple that we started calling them my mum’s first children.

This couple have an unusual gift, the gift of selflessness. I came to discover they were not just nice to my mum but to everyone they came in contact with. Their house is always full with people. Young girls are welcomed into their home and catered for.

Girls who graduate from higher institution from their home eventually see them as parents so much that when they are getting married this couple would contribute a lot to the success of the wedding. When women put to bed in her church, this couple would take food to these women till they are discharged and she would even be the one to cook for the naming. Her charge is just what the family needs to prepare the food.

I would like to say more but that will make this post unnecessarily long. Last week I was with someone and the person mentioned this couple. In the persons words, “this una mama children ba, that her friend no like her o, she just dey bad mouth her upandan. Make una tell her so she go know her enemy.”

When I got home, I told my mum what I heard. My mum said people would always envy them. In my silent thought: most people who have better financial strength than this couple cannot do what they do. This couple are just who they are. They are lovely people and do not feel the need to impress anyone.  This is what they have being called to be and they do it without stress. It is a gift.

People want to be like them but they lack the ability to tolerate people, they lack the ability to be available even when they have the time. They lack the ability to give money when they have more than enough to spare. It’s difficult to understand why people think this way. Envy and jealousy won’t lead us to the right path.

I think it better for us to understand who we are and what we have being called to do rather than get angry at people’s passion. We should applaud people when they are on the right path and not bad wash their good works.   


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