To love and nuture.

He found me and told me how his life would be void without me, I was not sure if it was the right feeling because it was the first time to have such kind of feelings. He was serving while I was in my second year at the university. 

He made me identify what I felt. He spelt it out to me that it was love. Oooo, I didn’t know the feeling was that beautiful. I started looking inwards and I realized this is love. The feeling of selflessness entered me, I was glad I could share my thought with someone who is of like minds.

When we are together the world stands still to hear our conversations, when we laugh out loud it’s an infectious laughter, our smile could be seen from a distance. Our telephone conversation goes on for hours. No one comes in between us.

Gradually, he mentored me, I started having confidence I never thought I had, my spirit lifted and my life took a new turn. The desire for excellence became so strong. I thrived to be best in all I did. He led me to Christ and taught me a better way of worship. My intimacy with my creator blossom and there was no turning back. My experience with the Holy Ghost brought me to the point of wanting more.

As life progressed and I attained new heights, he too got better offers and promotion at work. We became closer by the day, you know, like two peas in a pod. His family loved me and made me understand he has made the right choice. It was easy loving his family because they were good people.

Wedding plans kicked off. My parents were happy about our union. While my dad walked me down the aisle, he had tears in the corner of his eyes; he kept using his finger to brush them away. At the reception, the media guy asked why he had tears in his eyes earlier in the day and he revealed that he can die happily because his daughter has made the right choice. 

It was a gracious event that everyone talked about for weeks. This couple soar high and there was no limit to their greatness. Their intimacy improved by the day. They were the envy of old and young couples.
Her husband travelled for a six month course overseas, she was 7 months pregnant with their first child. They kept communicating and most time before they hang up they would cry and talk of how difficult it is to be apart.

Hubby got busy with his job. One night after a hectic day he visited a friend, while out with friends he was introduced to a new girl in his work place. Somehow they clicked like old friends, they laughed and talked about everything. The feeling of loneliness sets in and they were on the bed.

The following day, hubby cried so terrible. For the first time since he met his wife, for the very first time….hubby disrespected their marital vows. While hubby was beating hard on his conscience, his new friend too was hard on herself. Not like she needed a man but why a married man?

I promised never to date a married man but how come this man doesn’t look married or feels married to me. I feel so sad. This is not going to happen again. She promised herself. On their way to work, they coincidentally met at the elevator and all that happened last night was forgotten. They greeted like old friends and promised to see each other after the close of work.

They met again at a restaurant in town and were so happy to bump into each other. No one mention what happened yesterday night. They talked about work, the progress so far and the obtainable result of the project at the end of the financial year.

After their meal they walked hand in hand into a park and spoke about their fears, families and relationships. Husband told his new friend about his wife and the new baby they are expecting. Husband and new friend got emotional, one thing led to another and they were in each other’s arms again.

This time around, their love making was with reckless abandoned. They dammed all consequences and enjoyed the heat of the moment. It was a moment they would never forget, in the euphoria of the moment they made promises only those bonded by love make to each other. At this point they knew there was no going back. They were stuck with each other.

Both have disregarded values and thrown morals to the wind. For this new joy they have found in each other, they were ready to face the world, to stand by love and remain driven in passion.

Wife couldn’t understand husband’s distraction. She knew something was wrong but couldn’t place it. She had faith in the man of her youth that when he is ready he would talk about it. Husband seems busy every time wife calls and he cared less about the growth of the child.

Husband forgot wife’s date with the doctor and even when wife pointed that he made excuses that looked like a lie. Wife cajoled husband to talk to her about what is eating him up but husband said it was about work and everything will be alright.

Wife kept praying for her husband and she excelled in all she did. She would cry and beg God to keep her husband safe. She told the Holy Spirit to help her husband while he is at work. She kept the Christian faith believing all things work together for good.

Wife called husband and they were conversing but husband sounded distracted, wife was going to complain when husband said “arsehole” and ended the call. Wife’s mind was racing, did he just call her arsehole! Nooo he wouldn’t, he must be talking to someone. He can’t say that to me nau, I am the wife of his youth his first love. Wife gave all the good reasons why husband will never say anything abusive to her.

The night came and the baby was pushing, wife called the hospital and the ambulance came to pick her. Wife called husband that she was in labour but husband’s phone wouldn’t connect. She left a voice message yet no call from husband. Her labour was going into the 12th hour yet she was just 4cm gone. She couldn’t bear the pain alone, she needed her husband. She cried and screamed.

Doctors told her she would be induced because her labour is slow. After an hour she was induced and the contraction came concurrently, she was sweating and the nurses asked that she push. “Madam you ain’t pushing enough please push,” wife said “I’m trying my best, I’m pushing….” “Madam, I can see the head of the baby, please push a little more” hmmmmmmmm…….and the baby came forth. Doctors rushed to the rescue of the baby while nurses attended to wife. Wife immediately forgot her pain as she started speaking in tongues and blessing God. She gave thanks to God and asked that her child be blessed. 

She told God that since the child came on a Tuesday, it means the child has conquered her enemies and that should remain all the days of her life. While a nurse was stitching her she requested for her phone to call her husband. He answered at the first ring and was explaining why he hasn’t called. She told him she just delivered a baby girl. He was pleased at the message and promised to return home as soon as possible.
That was the last time she heard from her husband. It’s four years since she last heard from him. Today is her daughter’s birthday. She has since moved on but the birthday of her daughter is always a reminder of her father’s cruelty.  

She is not sure if she would find love again or if love finds her if she would be able to love. She has since found solace in her child and her career.


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