Zowie speaks

Never underestimate the intent of a man's heart. You can sleep on the same bed with him and even have great sex with him but he has concluded his plans of dumping you.

Never underestimate the revenge of a woman raging in anger. Your entire family and even ancestors may be ruined if care isn't taken.

Men are as wicked as women. They are humans who operate with dynamic hearts. Tread softly on how you treat people, many people do not believe in forgiveness. In fact they prefer damnation to repentance.

Do not take people for granted. Honour their loyalty and be honest, being honest builds your integrity and a good name which is better than gold.

It is only yesterday and today that you know, you do not know tomorrow. People hope, people aspire, what you see now is not the true reflection of what will be in future.

Only time will tell those who are truly victorious, those who against all odds chose the path of truth, perseverance and integrity.

A good name they say is better than gold, do well to prove yourself when you are tested. Life is but a vapour nobody is guaranteed what we boast of.


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