Hope is all I have.

At a certain point in our lives we have felt low. We must have said to ourselves “I can’t do this,” “I am not sure I am the right candidate for this job,” “This Girl is more beautiful than I,” “This guy is got a better opportunity than I”. The list is so enormous that we focus on belittling ourselves rather than working on our strength.

We are humans and sometimes, when the weight of life comes on us these runs through our mind. I tell you the truth, even the finest and greatest of them is passed through this stage. In their celebrated phase, they are still not content and secretly, sometimes feel inferior.

Nobody is got it all, people are dealing with issues bigger than themselves. If you hear Mr. A's story you would be surprise at what he is been through and if Mr. B narrates his situation you would thank God yours is not as bad. We all adorned ourselves with beautiful clothings to cover what we are facing.

In all of these, I have respect for only one group of people. Those who will never give up. The Holy Scripture says “Seven times will a man fall.”  So why give up at the 4th or 5th fall? I love another quote of the scripture it says “a living dog is better than a dead lion.” Victory is only meant for those who won’t give up.

Like my friend Maliat Musa would say “thank God we don’t look like what we have been through.” You would only give the enemy reason to celebrate if you give up. Stand tall in the face of adversity. Look your situation in the eyes and say to it “you are too small.”

Sincerely, if it doesn’t happen today, it sure will happen tomorrow and if not tomorrow then it is not the end. Hope does not bring shame.  We all should hold forth because the shofar will blow and it will be sound of victory. #Rantofabeautifulheart


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