Beautiful People

PEOPLE: This is the season of thanksgiving, so I will say this is coming handy. I am so blessed, when I count my blessings they are mainly measured in people. there is a yoruba adage  that says "eni yan laso" meaning "Humans are our covering."

I may have been disappointed in people, people  I thought will help blow dust from my eyes were the ones who actually added pepper, I mean lot of pepper. yet these few cannot out number the many beautiful people in my life.

These beautiful minds give me reasons to be a better person, they inspire and motivate the greatness I see before me. With them it is difficult to be sad, they always always make me count my blessings.

My people are a reflection of me, always reminding me that relationship is beyond money, greed and lies but a bond of love, care and integrity.

Even as the recession is biting hard, I would rather reflect on the gift of people. All I feel is gratitude that I have people to love, care , appreciate and share in their moment of joy and low state. I equally feel same gratitude that I am loved beyond how I imagine.

To all those who have and still light my darkness, you are much more special to me than you think. You all are my BLESSINGS.


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