It may be your turn tomorrow

At what point do we term a person to be bad luck? So banker got married recently, 2 months after his wedding he was sacked. His family branded the wife bad luck. They are of the view that she has left leg and her left leg has brought ill luck to her husband.

It is so painful that those who carried this matter most on their head are women. What is the wife’s fault here? How is she responsible for her husband’s sack from the bank? The noise was too much to comprehend that I had to walk out of the conversation.

Yes a woman should pray, she should pray first for her wellbeing before any other person. Why should a woman put her life on hold because she is married? Can’t the husband pray too, abi is prayer only meant for the women ni?

This was how her husband was sacked: The banker holds the key to the vault; two of his colleagues are equally saddled with same responsibility. As I heard three of them must be present while entering the vault. It was Friday evening and end of the month. Apparently, they had many account to close up that day and somehow they left the vault opened with the key at the key hole.

Just after they closed that night supervisors came into the branch and the first thing they saw was the vault widely opened. They took pictures and sent immediately to head office. Head office issued their sack letter with no benefit.

Please what is the fault of this woman? Where did she go wrong? Was she the one who made hubby and his two colleagues forget to lock the vault? The wife is now on dried fast praying earnestly that hubby gets a new job. 

Women it is wrong to accuse a fellow woman unjustly. Remember what happened to her could be you, if you assume the position of a god simply because a woman is married to your family be reminded that what goes around comes around. Yes o, your daughter will be married someday, in fact sooner than you think.


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