Liminality between Love and Hate

Love: the euphoria of thinking about beautiful moment before you sleep and while in your dream land you are blessed with the vision of a happy couple conquering the world and all that stands to oppose it. Just at the break of the day your mind runs wild and you have this unexplained happiness because the one you love fills your heart.

This feeling of love has caused a lot of people to be happy that they have reached the climax of life because the one they love stood with them all through. However, this cannot be said for those whose feeling of love has generated to hatred and bitterness.

Love is in all shades of joy at the same time all shades of destruction. It depends on how every individual decide to react to it. I have heard and seen love stories that ended in fragment of hatred, bitterness and revenge. The sad issue is, we all know when it begins but where it would lead no one can tell.

I keep asking… what gives in to hatred when love has been expressed initially? I know there is the liminality between love and hate and how it is so easy to cross between the thin line but again I ask…what happened to beautiful memories? What happened to that moment of life that you were in your high and low and the only one that stood by you is the same one you vehemently hate? Do we just go into relationships to get excited then walk out when we feel we should? At what point do we really think we should take a bow? Do our instincts tell us that a partner has moved from love to obsession or mutual understanding to “psych understanding”?

Of all the issues plaguing our country emotional stress should be critically looked into. We are moved by our emotions in all we do but the moment we cannot put together our feelings and try to manage our motions then, things begin to fall out of place. Most Nigerians are stressed and under a lot of pressure but how do we handle our situation?

Talk to people if you must, in fact seek professional help. Ask questions no matter how stupid at least you won’t be misled. If a situation is beyond your control calm down and leave that arena. There are so many ways to skin a cat, do not put yourself in a position where undue advantage is taken of you. True love may be difficult to find but with time love will find you.


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