Love comes down...

The story of Bilyaminu Bello Haliru and Maryam broke the Nigerian cyber space yesterday. Maryam who allegedly murdered her husband by stabbing him on his chest, shoulder, a deep cut on his inner thigh, and many bite wounds on his stomach did so because she read a text from her husband phone.

I do not and will never support violence of any kind. That Maryam is a woman does not exempt her from any punishment if found guilty. In my opinion justice must be served at least she must suffer the consequences of her sin.

The story has always been husbands murdering their wife, yes, there are cases of wives murdering their husbands but it is more common with men because most times violence is attributed to strength. The stronger one overshadows the weaker one; it is always a case of manipulation, abusive words, deprivation of all sort and fear in which most times the husband has the upper hand.

The brutality of Maryam’s evil deed to her husband is actually what is invasive. Worse cases have been recorded of men viciously killing their wives and it has been castigated yet accepted.  

The reason everyone is talking and condemning this act is because it was carried out by a woman. A woman who should have a better understanding of the kind of marriage contract she willingly signed, a woman whose husband divorced his first wife to be with her, a woman who knows that her culture and religion permits her husband to marry more than one wife, a woman whose traditions makes conscious effort of reminding her that she lives in a man’s world and it is in the nature of men to cheat because men are not programmed to stick with a particular woman, a woman who should understand the patriarchal nature of her society yet she went ahead to commit this atrocity. 

When a woman decides to attain success she is determined to reach the peak, when a woman decides to plan an event it always comes out colourful, when a woman decides to give her husband peace the man rises to echelon positions in life. There are so many instances where a woman put her strength into and the result becomes desirable. However when a woman’s heart embarks on a voyage of revenge calamity befalls that household. When a woman decides to be destructive not even the forces of hell can beat her to her savagery. A woman can be what she wants to be, the power lies in her heart. I rest my case.  


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