The Peculiarities of Life

I just realised that people are different in so many way. What am I talking about? There are people whose life goal is to become president while others just want to be security personal standing by the gate side. Many desire to build mansions and have houses scattered across the globe while some just want to build a house and nothing more.

While there is power tussle in an orgainsation and so many people are going diabolic just to be the next head of department there is this gentle man who is got all the qualifications to assume such position but he is not interested in any of it. Somehow this gentle man will be picked to head the department but because he is not interested he rejects such position. People are calling him names like someone who is not daring, someone who lacks responsibility and the ability to take charge.

In your opinion, do you think the person lacks these qualities?

Not every woman wants to be married, not every married couple want kids, not every lecturer wants to be a professor, not every child wants to be first in their class, not every man wants to be rich and yes not everyone wants to be in the lime light.

Some people are just content; they do not want a life of struggle. It doesn’t mean those who desire to reach the peak of their career are not content a person it just means everyone has a definition of success.
My late friend Safina Lawal (God rest her soul) always said she wanted a small house, she was one of the best student during our undergraduate days but her result meant nothing to her. She was always comfortable in little things and would rather cheer others to be great in what they do.

When I was growing up I didn’t like this aspect of My Dad. I came to the conclusion that we were not destined to be rich. Why am I saying this? My Daddy (God rest his soul) had access to government car (official vehicle) and driver but he never used it, rather he would come pick us from school himself even in his tight schedule. I was envious of my class mates and neighbours who were rocking government cars.

Somehow My Dad was the head of task force during kerosene and fuel scarcity in the 90s but Mr Otonoku’s home did not have plenty of kerosene. Why is that? Everyone must join the queue to get this product including members of his home. I used to say lock my Dad in a room full of money after three days and open the room for him to come out your money will be intact. 

Some of my friends went to private universities. Their parents were civil servants in Kogi State in the same secretariat where was Dad worked but I could not figure out why we his children could not go to private universities too. My Dad was once Acting Head of Civil Service oooooo.

Now, I see clearly. I understand life better now. I appreciate him more and I look out for things like this too.
Respect, integrity and commitment are what some people tag as success. When you meet such people in life please applaud them, they may not be rich financially but this is to them their own riches.


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