Discover Yourself Young Lady.

New Man: there is a friend that sticks better than a brother.  Trust me,  I am that friend.  I want to be to you all they have never been to you.  Please give me a chance.
Young Lady: I have been bruised and I don't know what trust is anymore.
New Man: even if you don't know, why don't you make up your mind to enjoy life....
Look.. I want you to look me in the eyes... You need a vacation and that's all I'm offering.  I will be with you and make you reel with laughter. I want you too see this City.
Young Lady: Hmmm,  this sounds inviting.  OK,  I will go with you because I want to see the world and tap where have been left untapped.
You will let me be, let me be free,  discover me and gradually, I will come around.
New Man: Oyeah,  that's My Girl!  I love what I see in your eyes....Life.  life is all I see,  it's returning to you.  I want you to discover you while I wait for you to discover me.
Young Lady: but I can't  promise love Oooo.
New Man: Hmmm,  who give what he doesn't have?  Of course,  you won't until you love yourself. Kindly join me on this trip.
Young Lady: I have been rooting for one. Thanks for the offer.
New Man: you welcome My Lady.


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