
Let the Children Thrive

So I was born into an extended family. My Dad’s siblings were 9 while my Mom’s siblings are 5. This clearly gives a picture of many cousins and relatives here and there. There was always one reason or the other to celebrate in my family. My Mom’s family being Yorubas always had interesting gathering that I looked forward to. This practically informed me so much that, loving people came with so much ease.  For a very long time, my friends were my cousins. So I would fantasize about having a large family. The only reason I felt I could have a large family of mine was to give birth to 10 children. I guess I wanted to go the way of my paternal grandmother. I got into a serious relationship and the guy asked, “How many children do you want?” I screamed “10 children.” I went ahead to explain how our kids would run round the house and how we would enjoy every moment because not everyone is blessed to have a happy home. This guy listened without interrupting. When I was done with my happy


Opinion. Feminists are better lovers. This is true because they understand respect and space. That you are a feminist does not expel the place of loving a man. Better still, they are unapologetic about the way they feel for their partner. That kind mad crazy kinda of love. Submission: you can't be asking for submission when you are stupid. If you want a feminist to be submissive to you then you must be ahead of her in knowledge. You choice or decision must be top notch. Your financial knowledge on savings and income must be great. That a feminist question your decision or seek clarity on issues doesn't make her a rude or arrogant person. Questioning a way of life or seeking equity and equality means a feminist is human as the man. So people say feminists are stubborn but I ask, "don't we all need a measure of stubbornness? We all cry assertiveness. You can't have this skill if you ain't stubborn. I bet no child of mine would always take yes and yes for an

We Are A Hard Working People

These pictures captured my thought.  When I see children like this,  I sincerely  thank God for where I am.  Not because I am better but because I am privileged.  Sometimes,  I try to make mental calculation of the gain they make by selling gala,  pure water,  biscuits,  sweets and hand towels under the sun.  The truth is,  whatever profit they make is minimal and cannot meet their daily demands. The state- our system is responsible for these children and young adult.  These are kids whose childhood was snatched from them. They have been forced to become care givers at an early age yet the need for survival  push them to conquer. How cruel can we be? Two days ago, I wanted taking akara and bread.  So I went to buy.  The mama sells koko and close to her fries were tables and benches where you can sit and eat.  Beside those eating akara and drinking  koko  are group of small almajirins  waiting to lick the bowl of koko.  This guy was  taking his koko  but turned to talk to the person b

To give and to receive

So I usually say the measure of what you give is what you receive. Okay,  let me add to it. Some people actually receive more than what they give. So my Friend Maliat Musa just added, "some people don't even get half of what they give". Onotu Andah  viewed that "Sometimes we receive without knowing that we have received something great in return just because it doesn't come in the way and form we are expect it. Thing is we always expect something in a way and God may be blessing us in other ways that we take for granted." You can give all and receive nothing in return. You can decide not to give and be blessed with all you desire. You could give half way and you are equally met half way. These are just general life value. These rules are not cast in stone, it is just life playing out.

Soul breathing

I loved to that point That point that my soul was lost in yours Not because I hated me But because I could align my soul to yours Again and again I saw the signs The spirit of love makes me drunk Under whose influence I committed my soul I was blind to the fact that spontaneously The passion was long dead To you I would have given my soul To give my soul  was to die Then the influence of that love Weaned off I found myself in me I needed time I don't know how much time I need Yet if love ever finds me again I may not give my soul Maybe I actually would.

Hope is all I have.

At a certain point in our lives we have felt low. We must have said to ourselves “I can’t do this,” “I am not sure I am the right candidate for this job,” “This Girl is more beautiful than I,” “This guy is got a better opportunity than I”. The list is so enormous that we focus on belittling ourselves rather than working on our strength. We are humans and sometimes, when the weight of life comes on us these runs through our mind. I tell you the truth, even the finest and greatest of them is passed through this stage. In their celebrated phase, they are still not content and secretly, sometimes feel inferior. Nobody is got it all, people are dealing with issues bigger than themselves. If you hear Mr. A's story you would be surprise at what he is been through and if Mr. B narrates his situation you would thank God yours is not as bad. We all adorned ourselves with beautiful clothings to cover what we are facing. In all of these, I have respect for only one group of people. Those w

The Woman in her

She is a time bomb waiting to explode She knows her value She won't bulge You can take her to the cleaners She was washed before you decided to wash her She isn't arrogant You are just unhappy because she beats your imagination You can't unravel her She keeps her cat close Adore her or lick her feet Hate or shame Victory or vanquish Joy exceeding happiness Either way she remains THE QUEEN!