
Showing posts from January, 2018

Was There An Exaggeration?

So I saw a post where someone said that obsanjo’s letter was exaggerated. I don’t know what the writer of that post meant by exaggeration because if it is bothering on immense hunger-poverty then that letter is not exaggerated. Obsanjo said “The lice of poor performance in government- poverty, insecurity, poor economic management, nepotism, gross dereliction of duty, condonation of misdeed- if not outright encouragement of it, lack of progress and hope for the future, lack of national cohesion and poor management of internal political dynamics and widening inequality- are very much with us today. With such lice of general and specific poor performance and crying poverty with us, our fingers will not be dry of ‘blood’. As Nigerians, what is exaggerated about all he has said? Why do we continue to allow sentiments play with core human values of life and dignity? Is the former President, Olusegun Obsanjo a saint? No he is not. There were cases of corruption during his tenure which ha

Discover Yourself Young Lady.

New Man: there is a friend that sticks better than a brother.  Trust me,  I am that friend.  I want to be to you all they have never been to you.  Please give me a chance. Young Lady: I have been bruised and I don't know what trust is anymore. New Man: even if you don't know, why don't you make up your mind to enjoy life.... Look.. I want you to look me in the eyes... You need a vacation and that's all I'm offering.  I will be with you and make you reel with laughter. I want you too see this City. Young Lady: Hmmm,  this sounds inviting.  OK,  I will go with you because I want to see the world and tap where have been left untapped. You will let me be, let me be free,  discover me and gradually, I will come around. New Man: Oyeah,  that's My Girl!  I love what I see in your eyes....Life.  life is all I see,  it's returning to you.  I want you to discover you while I wait for you to discover me. Young Lady: but I can't  promise love Oooo.

Life and Love Happens.

I was 18 years when I got admitted into the University. It felt good to be admitted into the university immediately after secondary school because I had worked hard to pass my WEAC and NECO examinations. My parents were happy my name was on the merit list as they told their friends how I worked night and day to be admitted into the university. I was determined to graduate from the university with good grades as my parents had promised that I will further my academics overseas and I looked forward to that day. Excelling in my academics came with much ease as I had friends with like minds. My friends were not from this world as they were mischievous girls who were too proud to notice they made more enemies than friends.  I liked the fact that my friends were fine in all sense as they gradually created a niche for themselves. My friends had the best of guys on campus ask them out, but for me relationship was not on my mind as I viewed it as a distraction. That not w

Just The Way We Are!

I went to work one morning, amidst pressure and everyone trying to meet up with deadline, my colleagues still find a way to laugh and throw banters. At every point someone tries to break the silence of everyone straight faced to a laptop, the person comes up with a story of juju. Having had a deep reflection I made this quote and posted on facebook. “an average Nigerian is traditional in mind. Sadly education is not a guarantee to their liberation.” A colleague of mine saw it and asked which one be this one again? So we spoke about the post, about our conversation and I made jest of how they carry juju in mind amidst academic enlightenment. What I realised was that I tried to exempt myself from that post, I tried to look at myself as liberal but the truth is, I am what my post said. During my undergraduate days, in the bid to make extra money and relief my parents of having to spend so much on me, I was involve in selling perfume, eggs and making deliveries. While adver

The Condolence Visit.

So I went to pay a condolence visit to a friend who lost her Dad. It happened to be the three days prayers for the dead and there were so many people present. I couldn’t believe my eyes, the governor of the state, ministers of top ministries and agencies, ambassadors both present and former.  I know my friend’s family to be an average Nigerian when it comes to wealth. Her family do not have a large bank account like she makes me believe because her father was a pious and gentle man. He was a content person filled with wisdom; he believed in the ways of the Prophet and sent many almajiri children to school. Politicians would usually seek his consent and request his blessings. These politicians never come to his house empty. While they present gifts in kind and cash to him, he rejects most not without telling the politician how ill he has treated his people and disappointed the Almighty who gave him the opportunity to be there. My friend always complained of how her father

Beautiful Year Ahead.

Someone said if you have moved on then you should be in a relationship. I find this faulty, moving on does not mean you must be in a relationship. If you are not comfortable with having a partner then do not be cajoled to be in one. One thing I have learnt over the years is to be assertive. You can not afford to join the "pepper then gang" because you want to prove a point. You do not have to be in a relationship to be happy or feel whole. Look at for the little things that completes you before deciding to be in ones life. Some people would never respect your person until you can truly define who you are. Do not bow to pressure, At the end everyone will lay blames on you, even when they supported your wrong decision. Be patient the world would soon accept the concept of you. Stay true to yourself, be the pilot of your life.