
Showing posts from October, 2017

Ebola Katakata.

The fear of ebola is the beginning of wisdom. Hygiene suddenly became a part of every Nigerian; orderliness was sort after as people did not want body contact of any kind. Salt became expensive, hand sanitizer became scarce, bitter kola was most expensive. From a distance I could hear my phone ring but I was too tired to pick. It was 3:00am, who would call me at this time of the night? The last time I checked my friends and family are doing fine. I struggled to pull my phone from my reading table. It was my “Best Man,” that was what I saved my Dad’s name as. This is so unusual, 20 missed calls from my Mom, Dad and siblings. I was alarmed. Then I checked my messages and I saw over 15 messages on Ebola.  There was this particular text that Patience Audu sent to me about Ebola been in the air and as soon as you breath in you contact the virus. While I was trying to digest the content of the text, my Dad’s call came in. Hello Daddy…..”Ozohu, where are you?” Me: Da

O Mother!!!

Yes she wants to be in love, yes she wants to be happily married, yes she wants her career to flourish without prejudice. Mothers it is wrong to pressure your girls to sell the cars they bought simply because you feel men won't marry young ladies who have cars. Mothers kindly encourage your daughters to buy that house now that they can. This is great investment. Mothers please advise your daughters to invest in that business. That investment is great gain and it will pay off later on. O! please ma'am, encourage your daughters to becomes great. They are as good as the men for the post of a President, senator and governor. They must not be wives of top politicians, but politicians themselves. No career is assigned to a particular gender, marriage is not the ultimate and should not be used to describe a woman's success in life. Mothers teach your girls that it is okay for them to be assertive when it comes to marriage. Marriage can be a breaking point or a lifting point.

Giving is a gift.

Sometimes back we lived in the same compound with about six families. Our flat was upstairs and water was not running into the house. We had to employ boys to help fetch water upstairs. I was in school then and only went home during weekends or anytime my Mum sent for me. My mum would call to tell me how a certain woman would come and help her with house chores and even run errands for her. Gradually we became so close to this young couple that we started calling them my mum’s first children. This couple have an unusual gift, the gift of selflessness. I came to discover they were not just nice to my mum but to everyone they came in contact with. Their house is always full with people. Young girls are welcomed into their home and catered for. Girls who graduate from higher institution from their home eventually see them as parents so much that when they are getting married this couple would contribute a lot to the success of the wedding. When women put to bed in her c

To love and nuture.

He found me and told me how his life would be void without me, I was not sure if it was the right feeling because it was the first time to have such kind of feelings. He was serving while I was in my second year at the university.  He made me identify what I felt. He spelt it out to me that it was love. Oooo, I didn’t know the feeling was that beautiful. I started looking inwards and I realized this is love. The feeling of selflessness entered me, I was glad I could share my thought with someone who is of like minds. When we are together the world stands still to hear our conversations, when we laugh out loud it’s an infectious laughter, our smile could be seen from a distance. Our telephone conversation goes on for hours. No one comes in between us. Gradually, he mentored me, I started having confidence I never thought I had, my spirit lifted and my life took a new turn. The desire for excellence became so strong. I thrived to be best in all I did. He led me to Christ

Zowie speaks

Never underestimate the intent of a man's heart. You can sleep on the same bed with him and even have great sex with him but he has concluded his plans of dumping you. Never underestimate the revenge of a woman raging in anger. Your entire family and even ancestors may be ruined if care isn't taken. Men are as wicked as women. They are humans who operate with dynamic hearts. Tread softly on how you treat people, many people do not believe in forgiveness. In fact they prefer damnation to repentance. Do not take people for granted. Honour their loyalty and be honest, being honest builds your integrity and a good name which is better than gold. It is only yesterday and today that you know, you do not know tomorrow. People hope, people aspire, what you see now is not the true reflection of what will be in future. Only time will tell those who are truly victorious, those who against all odds chose the path of truth, perseverance and integrity. A good name they say is better th

The Girl Child.

I started reading novels when I was in primary school.  I would read anything I see and so my Daddy got me novels.  Mills and booms, historical romance, fear streets et al.  When I got to secondary school, it just grew to more novels and competition.  Then in JSS3 I dived into motivational and inspirational books, I remember Think Big by Ben Carson was my first.  While I read these romantic novels, sex was portrayed as easy and enjoyable (which is) even when it is your first.  Those novels never prepared the minds of young girls that her first is painful and a few others may be like that till she is used to it.  Even when it is done in the heat of passion.  I had a terrible experience yesterday and I have been wondering when we as a nation are going to put an end to CHILD MARRIAGE. I boarded a vehicle with a Fulani teenage mother, her son is less than 4months which means he is an infant.  The child was crying, I think he needed more breast milk but this teenage mother was