
Showing posts from November, 2017

Love comes down...

The story of Bilyaminu Bello Haliru and Maryam broke the Nigerian cyber space yesterday. Maryam who allegedly murdered her husband by stabbing him on his chest, shoulder, a deep cut on his inner thigh, and many bite wounds on his stomach did so because she read a text from her husband phone. I do not and will never support violence of any kind. That Maryam is a woman does not exempt her from any punishment if found guilty. In my opinion justice must be served at least she must suffer the consequences of her sin. The story has always been husbands murdering their wife, yes, there are cases of wives murdering their husbands but it is more common with men because most times violence is attributed to strength. The stronger one overshadows the weaker one; it is always a case of manipulation, abusive words, deprivation of all sort and fear in which most times the husband has the upper hand. The brutality of Maryam’s evil deed to her husband is actually what is invasive. Wors

Liminality between Love and Hate

Love: the euphoria of thinking about beautiful moment before you sleep and while in your dream land you are blessed with the vision of a happy couple conquering the world and all that stands to oppose it. Just at the break of the day your mind runs wild and you have this unexplained happiness because the one you love fills your heart. This feeling of love has caused a lot of people to be happy that they have reached the climax of life because the one they love stood with them all through. However, this cannot be said for those whose feeling of love has generated to hatred and bitterness. Love is in all shades of joy at the same time all shades of destruction. It depends on how every individual decide to react to it. I have heard and seen love stories that ended in fragment of hatred, bitterness and revenge. The sad issue is, we all know when it begins but where it would lead no one can tell. I keep asking… what gives in to hatred when love has been expressed initially?

Beautiful People

PEOPLE: This is the season of thanksgiving, so I will say this is coming handy. I am so blessed, when I count my blessings they are mainly measured in people. there is a yoruba adage  that says "eni yan laso" meaning "Humans are our covering." I may have been disappointed in people, people  I thought will help blow dust from my eyes were the ones who actually added pepper, I mean lot of pepper. yet these few cannot out number the many beautiful people in my life. These beautiful minds give me reasons to be a better person, they inspire and motivate the greatness I see before me. With them it is difficult to be sad, they always always make me count my blessings. My people are a reflection of me, always reminding me that relationship is beyond money, greed and lies but a bond of love, care and integrity. Even as the recession is biting hard, I would rather reflect on the gift of people. All I feel is gratitude that I have people to love, care , appreciate and sh

Visit to the juju priest

Will there ever be time for women to rest, stop thinking and just relax. Believe everything will fall in place, stop imagining the negative things that may never happen and channel your thoughts into all positive events. When a girl is born, most prayers said by people to the child is “she will be a good wife, she will marry a man destined for her, she will give birth to goodly and godly children, her home will be filled with so much joy, she will be the point in which her husband will breakthrough…” These prayers are actually endless. The whole story is just making the girl know that her life must be dedicated to her husband.   As this young girl grows her thought and ideas are channelled to marriage, making a home and fanning the ego of her future husband. I once dated a medical doctor who told me his mother’s decision is never sought rather his father would ask for his opinion because his mother does not have the right to make decisions. His mother is a teacher yet he

It may be your turn tomorrow

At what point do we term a person to be bad luck? So banker got married recently, 2 months after his wedding he was sacked. His family branded the wife bad luck. They are of the view that she has left leg and her left leg has brought ill luck to her husband. It is so painful that those who carried this matter most on their head are women. What is the wife’s fault here? How is she responsible for her husband’s sack from the bank? The noise was too much to comprehend that I had to walk out of the conversation. Yes a woman should pray, she should pray first for her wellbeing before any other person. Why should a woman put her life on hold because she is married? Can’t the husband pray too, abi is prayer only meant for the women ni? This was how her husband was sacked: The banker holds the key to the vault; two of his colleagues are equally saddled with same responsibility. As I heard three of them must be present while entering the vault. It was Friday evening and end of